Saturday 28 August 2010

It Starts!

So, finally I'm in Thailand!

Been in Bangkok for the past couple of days which has been brilliant, went to the big shopping centre MBK and also to a night market - it took so much strength not to buy everything I saw! Wait for Chiang Mai markets... wait for Chiang Mai markets...

We all leave for our projects today, me and my partner Hannah will be going on a night bus this evening and arriving tomorrow morning. I'm kind of nervous about meeting my hosts, but I've been told that they are lovely and that everyone in the villiage is really friendly and helpful, so it should be alright.

Missing home, but that's normal. When I get to the project and start getting involved in things it'll be fine.

The dates of the language course aren't the same as what we were told on Coll, we actually have about a week with our host family, then we move into our own accomodation and start teaching, then at the start of October we have our language course. Can't wait for it!

Tuesday 24 August 2010


AAAAAH! My leaving date is finally here!! Tomorrow evening I'll be getting on an aeroplane and saying goodbye to the UK for a year!

I'm all packed, everything is in the right place (everything I've remembered anyway...) and I think I'm all set!

I can't believe it's come to fast, feels like only last week I was on my selection course, but it's really happening and I'm really going!

I'll be updating this when I can with news about how I'm getting on, and hopefully some photos too :)

Thailand here I come!!

Saturday 14 August 2010


A little late with this one but better late than never I guess!

Had my week of training with Project Trust at the end of July, and enjoyed it immensely! It was a really intense week, and teaching a 20 minute English lesson in front of people who you know already know English is more daunting that I thought it would be, but it actually went really well.

We learned all about Thailand and certain aspects of the culture, what not to do, what to do if you get ill etc. but it was a really fun week as well. I met my partner, who was actually on the same selection course as me, and I'm really looking forward to going now.

Despite it being an incredibly intense week, it was really reassuring to have everyone there and to know that we're all worrying about the same things.

11 DAYS!