Wednesday 12 January 2011

Lots of happenings!

Okay I'll blame the fact that I haven't blogged in a while on the fact that a) the school computer is mega slow and b) I've been too busy enjoying myself in Thailand! Haha, seriously I should blog more often. This will be my (late) New Years Resolution!

The last week and a bit have been a brilliant start tothe New Year! I can't believe I've in been in Thailand for over 1/3 of the year though, I'm sure time didn't go this fast at school?!

Last Thursday we taught at the after school group that a teacher called Kru Pen has for about an hour and a half, and we decided to do Animals. Our aim was to teach them lots of animals, and then teach them the words to "Animal Fayre" (We went to the animal fayre, the birds and the bees were there...). This plan was going brilliantly - all of our drawings were recognisable as what they were meant to be, and the kids were able to remember them all (although we did realise that we had taught them the word "zoo" when in fact the song was clearly about an animal FAYRE). This continued until we realised that we had to draw a baboon. Unsurprisingly, not one of the kids recognised what we were drawing (we did have suggestions of "human" and "seal" though!), so for a moment we were a little panicked as one of the lines of the song is "the big baboon by the light of the moon". However, we managd to get by and teac them the song without needing to draw a baboon! Instead, we improvised the lyrics to "the big flamingo by the light of the disco" - I'd call it a success! Our next plan was to teach them Old MacDonald had a Zoo. Again, this was going successfully until it was my turn to sing it with them, and I merrily sung out "Old MacDonald had a farm... NO! No, he had a zoo!" thouroughly confusing the children. Thankfully we managed to get them to sing both songs with the correct lyrics by the end!

The next interesting happening has got to the the arrival of Butschi! Butschi is Pippa's German boyfriend (or husband as she calls him). Pippa went down to Bangkok to meet him on Tuesday, and we thougt that she was staying in Bangkok for at least a week, but an excited phone call from her on Friday afternoon informed us that she was at her house with him and wanted us there NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!! Gotta love her! He is actually very sweet and it's lovely to see them together, they obviously love each other a lot!

Caitlin and I had our first trip to Sakhon Nakhon at the weekend to see Tae who was a pupil at Nakaepitt last year. He was best friends with Ruth and Laura, the volunteers in Na Kae last year, and he is really nice. We met with some of his friends - his roommate Tee and two girls who I think live in the same apartment block. They weer all lovely, and Sakhon is a really nice place. I probably spent too much money - bought shoes (which I actually genuinely needed!), a hat (which I claim I need because Thailand is colder than Scotland :P), a bracelet which I definitely needed, and nail varnish which I needed more than anything... Hm, maybe I should start budgetting. I also found a 7/11 that sold proper slushies! The ones in Na Kae don't do them because they are quite small 7/11s.

Most of my classes so far this week have been fine, but one class was awful. I don't know what got into them, but the boys decided that they don't like Farang so I got told numerous times to "go home", and at the end of the lesson they left a drawing of a burning Scottish flag on the board and a sign saying "look at the picture". The head of English at Nakaepitt knows and has said that they will "talk to them". Hopefully they'll be better next week, or they'll just stop coming to class. It's only a few boys in the class that played up, but unfortunately it means that the rest of the class suffer which is a shame as there are lots of pupils who behave really well and seem to enjoy being there.

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