Tuesday 22 December 2009

Got a job!

Finally got a job to help with fundraising!

Sunday 20 December 2009

Huge thanks!!

A HUGE thanks to everyone in the family who donated Christmas money to my gap year fund! I really appreciate it, it's such a great help!

Friday 18 December 2009

Trusts etc!

After my interview with the charitable trust, they gave a donation of £450!!! I was amazed at how much they gave, and very grateful! That was followedby a further £200 today from another trust!

Also, finished my week and a bit of Guess How Many Sweets In The Jar - made about £70 in total, not as much as I'd hoped for but still good! Combined with the money I already had, I've made my first £1000!! Doesn't seem that long ago that I was worried I might not make my frst £100, so things are definitely looking uuup!

Sunday 6 December 2009

School Craft Fayre

Sold some jewellery etc. at a school craft fayre yesterday and made £90! Way more than I thought I'd make! Still a long way to go but I'll get there!

Also got an interview with a charitable trust for fundraising in a week, and got a jar of sweets for cost price to do "Guess How Many Sweets In The Jar" at school! Things are looking uuuup!


Wednesday 2 December 2009


First lot of charity letters went out the other day, will be doing more tonight!

Sunday 22 November 2009

Putting the FUN into Fundraising...

...Or not. So the panic and stress of fundraising really begins! So far the Library is trying to get in the Directory of Grant Making Trusts (and has been trying to get it for about 2 weeks now...). Hopefully it'll come in time for me to actually use it! I have managed to find a good list of Scottish charities, trusts and funds etc. online though, so I've been ploughing through that.

I've also been making Christmas decorations and button bracelets to try and sell at Christmas fairs (or fayres?), and apparently I'm the messyest person ever at doing crafts. Considering my glitter-glue covered jeans, I think my mum has a point.

I'm also making up some quizzes and things to try and sell, and will be looking into getting som prizes donated.

For more information or to donate please visit my justgiving page or drop me an email!


Wednesday 11 November 2009

Thailand, wheeeeeeeee!!

Unfortunately whatever I had on Coll either mutated, or I got another infection, but I ended up with viral gastroentiritus and have been off school for the past 2 weeks. longest I've ever been off school, but the good news is it means I have a lot of time to think about fundraising because I heard from Project Trust, and I'm going to Thailand!! Well, 95% sure I'm going to Thailand! They give you 3 placements, and it's 95% sure you'll be going to the first but, my second and third were Uganda and Malaysia - all amazing! I'm probably going to be teaching English to schoolchildren in Thailand for the year, and I can't wait. I'll also get the opportunity (and take it) to work at a local orphanage, elephant project or other project during the school holidays. Got lots of fundraising ideas, hopefully going to be arranging a bag-pack at Tesco to raise some money, along with arranging some events at school along with much more, so I'll keep updating this. Even if no on reads it it helps me to keep organised, and I need all the help I can get with that!

For more information or to donate please visit my justgiving page or drop me an email!



After sitting staring at a blank screen for 15 minutes unable to think of what to write, I figured I'd best just write something. So I did!

So, got back from a selection course with Project Trust last week, and it was amazing. For those of you who don't know, Project Trust is an educational charity (No. SCO25668), that sends 17 - 19 year olds overseas to work on voluntary placements for their gap year. They're based in the Isle Of Coll, and that's where the selection course was. The course was from Tuesday 27th - Saturday 31st, and the ferry to Coll left Oban at 6.45am on the Tuesday so I spent Monday night at Oban Backpackers. There were loads of other volunteers there, and it was great to meet them all before the course began, and took the opportunity to play many games of Japanese Snap and Twister!

The ferry was awesome, didn't get sea sick so was happy about that. We arrived in Coll at about 10am, and went straight to the Projeect Trust centre. Over the course of the day we were told about the countries that they send people to, and played a building game in our groups involving straws, pins and a huge (larger, and heavier, than you'd think) dictionary. We also had 30 minutes of dance practice for the end-of-week ceilidh - interesting how when you're one of only two Scottish volunteers in the whole selection course, everyone expects you to know the danced. Interesting also how little I know about ceilidh-dancing... At the end of the day we were taken to our hosts house, where we'd be staying for the week. I'll say now a HUGE thank you to Maria-Luce and Yan for your hospitality throughout the week, and to Chess for being an awesome roomie!

Wednesday was much more physical, climbing Ben Hough and then digging lazy beds (and sprinkling them with dreams!), but I realised I'm stronger that I thought. Also got a talk on how to give a lesson, and then got the opportunity to give a lesson to the rest of our group on a topic of our choice. I chose HIV/AIDS, and it went okay. Could have gone better, but I was quite happy with it.

Thursday was an inside day, and we got a lot of talks about fundraising and finance, and we also played a trading game which was a lot of fun. Cutting out shapes and selling them for money against other groups who are trying to buy your equipment really brings out the evil child in you...

Friday was again a physical day, as everyone was split up and went around the villiage to do tasks. I was helping move rocks from a ruin so it could be rebuilt. I should mention that by this point I was starting to feel a bit rubbish - managed to get flu while I was on Coll and it started to get bad on the Friday, but a huge thanks to everyone at PT for being so nice! After the rock lifting we had to give a 10 minute presentation on the Isle of Coll, and I was really happy with how mine went. Everyone in my group gave really good presentations actually, and I really enjoyed them. The rest of the day was filled up with finding out more about the countries and filling out our final placement application, before going back to our hosts.
That evening was the ceilidh, and as I drugged myself up on paracetamol before going. Managed to do most of the dances, but admitedly got a bit lost in some of them...

I felt awful when I got up on Saturday, so the day began with me being taken to see the nurse on the island and was given some antibiotics and stronger paracetamol before going down to the ferry terminal. The trip back was a lot of fun as the medication kicked in, and a group of us went to sit by the sea and then went to a pub while we were in Oban. The train back was interesting - turns out it's hard to ceilidh-dance in a very narrow moving vehicle. Possible though! Got back to my sister's at around 11'ish.

The course was so much fun, and I met so many awesome people!!