Tuesday 30 November 2010

Nick, Rachel and the Cruelness of Pippa!

I'm getting better at updating this more regularly, hopefully it will continue!

On Monday 29th November me and Caitlin had our desk officers from Coll visit our project. Nick (main Thailand DO) and Rachel (new Assistant DO). It was great to see Nick again after training, and also great to meet Rachel - she is new at Project Trust and is starting as the assistant desk officer for Thailand.

They arrived at about 11am and came to observe part of our lessons - they watched the first part of Caitlin's lesson and last part of mine, which meant that they got to see some very excitable kids going crazy in my class! I'm doing body parts with them, and for the last bit of the lesson I have them all come outside in groups, pick one person from each group to stand against a wall, and the rest of the group have to stick arrows with body parts written on them pointing at the right place on the person. First team to finish and sit down gets stickers! Unfortunately I don't think the other teachers in the corridor are too pleased to have 30 noisy kids outside, but it's only for a week and my kids seem to enjoy it!

After school we took them both to see our house which they loved (we really do have one of, if not the, best house in Thailand) and then to meet Pippa (more about her later...). We then went to That Phanom. We visited Prathat Phanom, one of the seven pagodas which is beautiful, and then went to the market. This proved to be a mistake as I spend 150 baat on a top, but it is gorgeous and I love love love it and will wear it loads, so really it's an investment...

After this we headed back to our house, dropping Nick and Rachel off at their accommodation on the way. They were staying in a really nice little resort in tiny houses - they were really cute!

Yesterday we took Nick and Rachel to visit St. Josephs Primary School because they wanted to see what the school was like (I don't think Ruth and Laura taught there last year), then at about 10.30am they disappeared off to the next project. It was really good to see them, and they brought chocolate and blu-tack which was a huge bonus!!

Now, onto the cruelness of Pippa. The other night, me and Caitlin went to Lou Ang and Pee Baby's house to help them cook (Lou Ang is the PE teacher and Pee Baby is his wife). We were cooking quite a big meal because a few people were coming over, including Pippa. We phoned her to ask what time she'd be there, and she said she'd be there soon. About half an hour later I got a phone call from her - she said that she wasn't coming because she was going to Bangkok!!! She said that she was on the bus, and that she'd be staying there for 3 months because she missed Non (her brother) so much. At first I thought I misunderstood what she was saying, but when she spoke to Caitlin she said exactly the same. She said that she wanted us to go outside and wave as the bus went past (it goes past Lou Ang's house, it's all one massive, long, straight road). Eventually she convinced us that she was leaving without properly saying goodbye, and that we wouldn't see her for at least 3 months. She is our best friend and sister in Thailand, we both love her to bits, and were both absolutely gutted - I was in tears and Caitlin nearly was, but we pulled ourselves together and went out to wave. As we made our way down the drive, a Pippa was making her way towards us, killing herself laughing.

Turns out that yes, she had been on the Bangkok bus... but she was on it to get a lift to Lou Ang's house!!!!!! She saw an opportunity to have some "lawlen" (banter) and grabbed it with both hands! It was actually hilarious and we were all in stitches about it, but at the time me and Caitlin genuinely thought she was leaving!! She really has a wicked sense of humour :P

After we had eaten we went out to a karaoke bar which was fun, Thai's are obsessed with karaoke!

She is actually going to Bangkok today, but only for 1 day to visit the German Embassy. Hopefully she's feeling okay - we stayed with her last night and she really wasn't feeling well, she had a really bad migraine and sore back. She must have felt pretty bad because when Butschi skyped her she admitted that she was ill and went to bed which is very unlike Pippa!!

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