My name is Naomi Weir, and I'm 18. I'm currently living in Thailand as a volunteer for Project Trust. I teach English in Na Kae (pronounced Na Gae), primarily at Nakaepitthayakhom School. I'll be here until August 2011, and I am loving it so far!
Letters are hugely appreciated, my address is Nakaepitthayakhom School, Matthayomchan Road, Na Kae District, Nakhon Phanom Province 41830, Thailand. Getting mail excites me like a child, so do a good thing today! :P
Okay, so I've decided that around the 25th of each month I'm going to blog a list of things I've missed during the month, so I can see how they change throughout the year. Just for fun really!
So in September I have missed:
Noddy, Domino, Polly, Bitsa, Butch, Jasper.
Tom and Jerry
Red Dward
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (Baked Alaska to be specific!)
You didn't miss me? :o Traitor! I'm so jealous its freezing here. Some parts have had snow this weekend and theres an 84% chance of a white xmas but I'd still rather be in Thailand! So proud of you x Andrea
You didn't miss me? :o Traitor! I'm so jealous its freezing here. Some parts have had snow this weekend and theres an 84% chance of a white xmas but I'd still rather be in Thailand! So proud of you x