Sunday 10 October 2010

Chiang Mai

So, we're all in Chiang Mai for the Thai language course (minus two of the original 20 who have already gone home :(), and so far it's been great! We've been here for a week (arrived on the 2nd), and we're here until the 23rd.

So far the course is going well, although I think it's fair to say that I'm not the most natural linguist among us! Ah well, any Thai is good Thai, and I'm getting through the lessons alright, it's just remembering what we've learned the days before that's hard!

The markets here are AMAZING, so many times I've had to say to myself "Naomi, do you really NEED a lantern?" to stop myself from buying everything I see... and there are so many, there is a huge Night Bazaar on every night, plus a Saturday Walking Market and a Sunday Walking Market which are both enormous.

It's so great to see everyone again - we all went out on Friday night for Cameron's birthday which was brilliant fun, and we went to Doi Suthep temple today which is absolutely stunning. Unfortunately my camera ran out of battery, so I had to hi-jack Caitlin's. I forgot to take my battery charger with me to Chiang Mai, so I'll have to buy some more somewhere. I've been so organised up until now!

Next weekend we are all going on a 2 day trek which should be brilliant - we get driven about an hour away, and have lunch at a waterfall pool where we get to swim, we do a 3 hour trek, ride elephants, build rafts and do canoeing, plus we spend the night in a hill tribe village. Can't wait!

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